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Discover Luxury & Leisurely Homes on Anguilla

Luxury Real Estate relates to the market niche targeted by high-net-worth individuals while Leisurely Real Estate conforms to the laid back Caribbean lifestyle embraced by Anguilla and Anguillans. Whether one owns multiple homes in numerous locations across the world or wants a unique home owning experience, Anguilla will sing to you. On our pages of listings herein you’ll find numerous offerings of both styles of property whereby for cleanliness I remove properties that have been sold shortly after closing to avoid the frustration of looking at an offering you “fall in love with” only to subsequently realize it’s no longer available–my role is to make your search easier / fresher / more professional…as I’ve been doing for over 30 years and look forward to doing for you.

Scott Hauser, Director

ProRealty (AXA) Ltd.

Real Estate Market Value

Residential real estate on Anguilla is a life style combining the causal simplicity of Caribbean life with the elegant sophistication of world class dining, beautiful beaches, lovely accommodations.

Anguilla truly is “Beyond Extraordinary!

Featured Luxury Anguilla Properties