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Anguilla A Buzzing

Good Morning,
As the “Bobbing Bobbies” show (from a photo taken in 1969) Anguilla waters make you smile–with or without your hat!

As such it’s not surprising and has been quite interesting (and quite pleasant) to see Anguilla reopen and rebound post “Covid Crisis” whereby our current protocols stipulate that only fully-vaccinated travelers will be permitted to enter (with exemptions for under-18s and those who are pregnant); All visitors must apply online no later than noon EST on the day prior to arrival for permission to visit and must submit a negative result from a PCR test taken within three and five days of arrival; All visitors are required to take a free PCR test on arrival and will need to stay in their hotel or villa pending the results (which will usually be delivered within 12 hours) whereby upon receipt of a negative test, fully-vaccinated travelers will have no restrictions placed on them during their stay. As such, sensible and yet lenient.

Accordingly tourist arrivals have increased and concomitantly villa and land sales have begun to spike–in fact, in the preferential US$1M to US$3M coastal villa range, inventory is beginning to deplete…happily for sellers and realtors with opportunities still remaining for buyers.

An example of a lovely home just over the US$2M range currently available is Songbird Villa as per and as featured in the photo below–it’s a lovingly designed open air concept developed by noted architect Lee Skolnick situated just a short hop from Rendezvous Bay beach and is  a bird watchers paradise.

If you’ve missed any of my past insights, all of my newsletters as well as real estate articles I’ve written are available at
whereby I’ll happily assist with any offering posted on my website as noted below

I look forward to hearing from you.

Scott L. Hauser, Director
ProRealty (Anguilla) Ltd
Office Phone: 264.498.0123
Cell/Wazzap: 264.476.4050


Scott L Hauser

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