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West Indian Style

Good morning,

In keeping with the theme of my last newsletter wherein I previewed homes designed in a modern style on Anguilla, herein we’ll take a look at homes designed in a traditional vernacular of which there aren’t many to my chagrin as I quite like the nomenclature–in fact, my office is in The Historic Old Factory as per which was built in 1901 and was initially a facility for ginning cotton for small land holding Anguillans after emancipation and was then a general store selling goods trucked to it from The Forest when ships arrived from St Kitts loaded with fabric / rum / food stuffs / etc.,  and then was the islands first gas station with the island’s first gas pump still on site…thereafter varied and less romantic uses (at least until I moved in!).

With the foregoing in mind, there are two homes being offered for purchase on island that stand out in my mind as respectful of and reflective of what one would normally consider traditional West Indian design with decorative (but effective) wooden hurricane shutters / ginger bread trim / large verandahs / vaulted ceilings / etc.

The first of the two is Manana Magic as pictured above with additional details available at — it’s a lovely coastal home on the south shore with views of St Marten and St Barth’s and (occasionally, when the sky is very clear) St Kitts.

The second of the two is Aerie Villa as pictured below with more information available at — it’s a charming home on the north coast near Shoal Bay Beach East with beautiful sunset vistas for  most of the year.

If I can help further with either of the above offerings or with any other property posted on my website as per the address below, please know I’m happy to assist.

Additionally, if you’ve missed any of my past words of wisdom, all of my newsletters as well as past articles I’ve written are available at


Scott L. Hauser, Director
ProRealty (Anguilla) Ltd
Office Phone: 264.498.0123
Cell/Wazzap: 264.476.4050


Scott L Hauser

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